University of Mary Graduate Student Gets Call to the Big Leagues

Nate Kolb

Nate Kolb
Nate Kolb of Cloverdale, British Columbia, Canada

BISMARCK, ND — It’s a little surprising, and somewhat shocking, 听一个加拿大人热情地谈论他最喜欢的运动——而且不是曲棍球. Nate Kolb of Cloverdale, British Columbia, Canada, 他在很小的时候就把曲棍球棍换成了棒球棒,而且从未后悔过. As a kid, 科尔布经常利用他靠近西雅图的优势,参加许多美国职业棒球大联盟水手队的比赛. When it gets cold in Canada, 对于科尔布一家来说,春假意味着他们要多次前往亚利桑那州的沙漠观看春训.  

His love for the game as a fan spilled over onto the field as a young athlete. 他在棒球方面的成功让他参加了2013年在多伦多举行的加拿大青年全国锦标赛, 在那里,他亲自观看了多伦多蓝鸟队的比赛,并为球队中一些他喜欢的球员加油, like Roy Halladay. 科尔布在初级学院取得了成功,随后成为MG冰球突破试玩掠夺者大学(University of Mary Marauders)的一名投手,扩展了他的棒球生涯.

“I pitched a total of one inning here at Mary,” said Kolb of his entire two-year baseball career at Mary. “我在这里的棒球生涯有点失败,这让我成为了掠夺者队的教练. The highest I ever hit on the radar gun was 87 mph. Upon transferring here to Mary, I lost my velocity on my fastball which is why my career went downhill. 这才是真正激发我对球员发展和运动机能学兴趣的原因.”

去年他的大学生涯结束后,科尔布知道不会有美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)的球队邀请他参加比赛. 但作为一名受伤的运动员,他提供了一个有趣而独特的视角,他想要帮助其他运动员,防止他们在比赛中遭受和他一样的命运. Like a true athlete, Kolb took his injury shortcomings, painful as they may be for him to dredge up, 并将这些经历与MG冰球突破试玩的研究生运动机能学项目成功结合起来.

当我第一次上学时,我最初对营养学感兴趣,并正在学习成为一名运动营养师,” added Kolb. “从大专转到MG冰球突破试玩学院后,我不得不转到运动科学专业. I quickly fell in love with exercise science. 从那以后,我自然而然地进入了MG冰球突破试玩的研究生运动机能学课程. 这个学位可以让我在人体运动的研究中进行研究,继续追求知识.”

科尔布在MG冰球突破试玩运动科学系读本科时的第一手经验帮助他进入了力量和调节领域. 这导致了他在MG冰球突破试玩的运动机能学研究生学习,在那里他与MG冰球突破试玩的生物力学和运动机能学协调员和助理教授一起工作, Janelle Olson, 利用运动机能系的资源为MG冰球突破试玩的棒球队开发测试电池, like the force plate.

“有能力从部门和教师那里获得资源和支持,使我能够充满信心地投入到项目中,获得实践经验,这帮助我取得了指数级的进步。,” he added.

“运动机能学课程培养各个领域的领导者,并帮助他们提高对人体运动的了解,从而将他们提升到一个新的水平,” said Dr. Rachel Johnson Krug, chair of athletic training and kinesiology at Mary. “Our degree can help the student excel in the career of their choice. We are here to help them advance whether it is a job in the fitness industry, school setting, or professional setting, we can help them achieve their dreams. This year, Nate Kolb’s dreams became reality.”


“My reaction was shock and immense excitement,” added Kolb. “我将成为亚利桑那联盟响尾蛇队新秀球队的力量教练之一, which is part of their minor league system. 我的职责将包括所有与举重和运动相关的事情.”

In baseball, 有时候,球需要以正确的方式反弹,才能让跑垒手打到本垒板上, or for a rare triple play, or catching a runner trying to steal a base. Kolb would be the first to admit, 当他遇到响尾蛇小联盟的力量和调节助理协调员和MG冰球突破试玩校友时,这个机会出现了一个偶然的反弹, Derek Somerville, at a conference.

“We connected about Mary's baseball program,” added Kolb. “他对我们正在做的事情很感兴趣,并问他是否可以来和我们的教练组谈谈,看看我们在做什么. 之后,我向另一家公司申请了一份工作,并打电话给德里克,询问如何准备面试. Two days after Christmas, 德里克打电话给我,告诉我响尾蛇队刚刚有一个职位空缺,他认为我很适合这个职位,问我是否愿意参加面试, I said yes, and the rest is history.”

当棒球运动员第一次被大联盟俱乐部征召去参加一段很短的比赛时, it is referred to as a “cup of coffee,” because that’s how quick the stay is. 科尔布没有这些,尤其是在他在掠夺者队短暂的职业生涯之后.

“I hope to be with the Diamondbacks for as long as I can be.”    

Kolb departs for Arizona this Friday, February 25, 他在响尾蛇队的职业生涯将在下周春训开始前开始. “

“在成长过程中,我花了很多次春假在亚利桑那州的家庭旅行中观看春训比赛,现在我可以以更个人的方式参与春训, professional, and exciting way with the Diamondbacks team. This opportunity is unbelievable, and a dream come true.”

Anyone who wishes to learn more about the program should visit the kinesiology website, or contact Dr. Rachel Johnson Krug; (701) 355-8206; or by contacting an admissions representative at, or by calling (701) 355-8030.

About the University of Mary

MG冰球突破试玩秉承“生命之光”的校训,通过尖端的专业课程和研究生课程为学生提供全面的教育,这些课程以道德勇气和所选专业的领导能力以及对社区的服务为动力. A private, co-educational Catholic institution, the University of Mary welcomes students of all faiths and backgrounds.

 A Christian, Catholic, 本笃会的机构成立于1959年,由本笃会修女报喜修道院, Mary offers nearly 60 bachelor’s, 19 master’s, and five doctoral programs—in business, education, nursing practice, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. 在全国大学体育协会(NCAA)和美国大学曲棍球协会(ACHA)会议的管理下,19个体育项目的体育部门坚持其美德伟大的使命. With more than 3,800 students, Mary has locations in North Dakota, Montana, Arizona, Rome, Italy, as well as vibrant online offerings.

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